Area of Law: ESA -- AODA -- Human Rights Law-- Labour Law
CICS is a not-for-profit organization that assists newcomers to Canada in settling and integrating. CICS aims to empower newcomers in settling and integrating them as contributing members of Canadian society through diverse, professional, and innovative services. CICS provides services to clients of all age ranges, from early year children, youth, adults to seniors. CICS also offers specialized services in employment, language training, mental health, housing and etc. To learn more about CICS, check out their website here:
The project focuses on providing newcomers with essential information on employment standards and workers' rights through one-on-one intake sessions. Student volunteers will assist in answering inquiries from newcomers, all under the supervision of a qualified lawyer. It is important to note that while the students will provide valuable information, they will not be offering legal advice. This project aims to empower newcomers with the knowledge they need to navigate the Canadian labour market confidently. It also offers law students a valuable opportunity to apply their learning to real world scenarios, enhancing their understanding of employment standards and workers' rights. By creating a supportive environment where newcomers can seek information and ask questions, CICS strives to build a more informed and empowered community.
The student will provide one-on-one intake once a week from 2-5 pm to answer inquiries from newcomers on various employment topics including ESA and worker's rights. If capacity allows, the student volunteer can work onsite CICS office where they can assist clients with form filling or letter writing on complaints for owed wages. CICS will schedule the appointments and share with students the nature of the enquiries ahead of the session.