Area of law: Immigration and Refugee Law
Justice for Children and Youth strives to protect and advance the legal rights and dignity of children and youth. Justice for Children and Youth provides legal advice, representation, and assistance to young people under the age of 18 and unstably housed adults up until the age of 25. JFCY's CASA program supports young people in Ontario up to the age of 25 with no or precarious immigration status. CASA provides free, confidential supports, advice, referrals and legal representation, and outreach to enable young people to take agency of their futures and regularize their status. To learn more about JFCY, check out their website here:
Although the student may get the opportunity to sit in on an intake meeting between a client and CASA, they will predominately be engaging in research-based work on a broad range of topics. The CASA student will be closely supervised and are given regular feedback on task performance. They will submit their research directly to the CASA Program Director. Pursuant to organizational and institutional regulations, the CASA student may be able to volunteer in the clinic depending on the current public health guidelines. Students are not permitted to give legal advice.