LAND - Student Research Team: Bill C-73 Nature Accountability Act Project (6 positions)

Area of Law: Environmental Law -- Aboriginal Law -- Indigenous Law

Legal Advocates for Nature's Defence (LAND) is an organization dedicated to advancing access to justice. They advocate for the rights of nature while honouring Indigenous sovereignty in law and policy and provide education about environmental laws and legal processes. To learn more about LAND, check out their website here:

This project is responsive to Bill C-73, the Nature Accountability Act, introduced by the federal environment Minister in June 13, 2024. This Bill is particularly significant, as Canada's first ever environmental law which aims to protect biodiversity. Bill C-73 compels Canada to recognize its commitment to protect nature and biodiversity in alignment with its international commitments under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (as agreed to at COP15) and requires the establishment of a national biodiversity strategy and action plan. Student volunteers will conduct research and draft accessible, public legal education (PLE) briefing notes on this Bill with the intent that their research be relied upon by LAND, its clients or members of the public, in public consultations that will be occurring on this Bill, as it moves through Parliament. Students will: track Bill C-73 and its status before Parliament, review Hansard transcripts to inform research and briefing materials, and work collaboratively in a group to research and draw a briefing note responsive to the topic and questions assigned to each group. The three groups students can be assigned to are: (1) Indigenous Involvement in Conservation Decision-Making, (2) Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), (3) Accountability and Transparency in Biodiversity Protection.

Time Commitment

Students are expected to volunteer for 3-5 hours per week. The placement is remote. 

Required Training

In addition to the PBSC mandatory training, LAND will provide introductory reading material about LAND and their mandate, including objects of advancing rights of nature and Indigenous sovereignty in law, and recommended reading specific to their project description.  

Number of Students and Prerequisites

  • How many students?
    • 6 students (students will be working with students from Lakehead University)
  • Can first year law students volunteer?
    • First year students are encouraged to apply!
  • Should you be bilingual?
    • No - bilingualism is not needed
  • Any other expectations for this project?
    • Students should have an interest in environmental law. Experience with research and preparation of research memoranda is preferred.